The 'Arctic Survivor' traditional video

LEGO - "Arctic Survivor"

We had the incredible opportunity to create an immersive short-form VR experience using the LEGO Arctic brand. We pitched the idea of a traditional 'framed' video that would feature Kane Wilder, a hardcore Arctic wilderness explorer, telling his story about how difficult it is to survive in the Arctic. But then, a standalone VR experience would showcase another story--a 'behind the scenes' film that showed Kane Wilder was really just an actor and a film crew was following him everywhere he went. We built a whole pipeline for rendering out film-quality LEGO scenes and created one of the first VR experiences featuring LEGO products!


Producer, Director, Technical Development

The 'Arctic Survivor' traditional video

The 'Arctic Survivor' standalone VR experience

 Still frames from the 360 VR version of Arctic Survivor

Still frames from the 360 VR version of Arctic Survivor

Shot6B VR.jpg
Shot7 VR.jpg
We had to build complex physics systems to simulate elements such as snow and smoke to match the LEGO arctic world

We had to build complex physics systems to simulate elements such as snow and smoke to match the LEGO arctic world

 A few brainstorming ideas for the non-VR version of Arctic Survivor

A few brainstorming ideas for the non-VR version of Arctic Survivor

The animation pipeline for this project was very complex, as we had to animate in 'all directions' knowing that a VR viewer could see any point at any given time.

The animation pipeline for this project was very complex, as we had to animate in 'all directions' knowing that a VR viewer could see any point at any given time.

We had to custom build a "LEGO terrain generator" that would give us the freedom to build complex landscapes without having to place pieces 'Brick-by-Brick'

We had to custom build a "LEGO terrain generator" that would give us the freedom to build complex landscapes without having to place pieces 'Brick-by-Brick'

It was fun to create a whole LEGO film crew and the tools they'd need to be 'on set'

It was fun to create a whole LEGO film crew and the tools they'd need to be 'on set'
